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The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book by Thomas R. Allinson
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Apple Cookery--
Apple Cake
Apple Charlotte
Apple Dumplings
Apple Fool
Apple Fritters
Apple Jelly
Apple Pancakes
Apple Pudding
Apple Pudding (Nottingham)
Apple Sago
Apple Sauce
Apple Tart (open)
Apples, Buttered
Apples, Drying
Apples (Rice)
Eve Pudding
Apple & Barley (Pearl) Pudding
Apple Charlotte
Apple Custard, Baked
Apple Sauce
Apple Soufflé
Apple & Orange Compôte
Apricot Cream
Apricot Sauce
Apricot Pudding
Artichoke Salad
Artichoke Soup
Artichokes à la Parmesan
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