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Outdoor Sports and Games by Claude H. Miller
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I. Introductory

The human body a perfect machine--How to keep well--Outdoor
sleeping--Exercise and play--Smoking--Walking.

II. The Boy Scouts of America

Headquarters--Purpose--Scout Law--How to form a patrol of
Scouts--Organization of a troop--Practical activities for
Scouts--A Scout camp--Model Programme of Sir R.S.S.
Baden-Powell Scout camp.

III. Camps and Camping

How to select the best place to pitch a tent--A brush bed--The
best kind of a tent--How to make the camp fire--What to do when
it rains--Fresh air and good food--The brush leanto and how to
make it.

IV. Camp Cooking

How to make the camp fire range--Bread bakers--Cooking
utensils--The grub list--Simple camp recipes.

V. Woodcraft

The use of an axe and hatchet--Best woods for special
purposes--What to do when you are lost--Nature's compasses.

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