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Outdoor Sports and Games by Claude H. Miller
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VI. Use of Fire-arms

Importance of early training--Why a gun is better than a
rifle--How to become a good shot.

VII. Fishing

Proper tackle for all purposes--How to catch bait--The fly
fisherman--General fishing rules.

VIII. Nature Study

What is a true naturalist?--How to start a collection--Moth
collecting--The herbarium.

IX. Water Life

The water telescope--How to manage an aquarium--Our insect
friends and enemies--The observation beehive.

X. The Care of Pets

Cats--Boxes for song birds--How to attract the birds--Tame
crows--The pigeon fancier--Ornamental land and water
fowl--Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice--How to build
coops--General rules for the care of pets--The dog.

XI. The Care of Chickens

The best breed--Good and bad points of incubators--What to feed
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