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A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by George Berkeley
page 2 of 85 (02%)
19 No regard had to the angle of the OPTIC AXES
20 Judgment of distance made with both eyes, the result of EXPERIENCE
21 2ndly, Confusedness of appearance
22 This the occasion of those judgments attributed to diverging rays
23 Objection answered
24 What deceives the writers of optics in this matter
25 The cause why one IDEA may suggest another
26 This applied to confusion and distance
27 Thirrdly, the straining of the eye
28 The occasions which suggest distance have in their own nature
no relation to it
29 A difficult case proposed by Dr. Barrow as repugnant to
all the known theories
30 This case contradicts a received principle in catoptrics
31 It is shown to agree with the principles we have laid down
32 This phenomenon illustrated
33 It confirms the truth of the principle whereby it is explained
34 Vision when distinct, and when confused
35 The different effects of parallel diverging and converging rays
36 How converging and diverging rays come to suggest the same distance
37 A person extreme purblind would judge aright in the
forementioned case
38 Lines and angles, why useful in optics
39 The not understanding this, a cause of mistake
40 A query proposed, by Mr. Molyneux in his DIOPTRICS, considered
41 One born blind would not at first have any IDEA of distance by sight
42 This not agreeable to the common principles
43 The proper objects of sight, not without the mind, nor the images
of any thing without the mind
44 This more fully explained
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