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A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by George Berkeley
page 3 of 85 (03%)
45 In what sense we must be understood to see distance
and external things
46 Distance, and things placed at a distance, not otherwise perceived
by the eye than by the ear
47 The IDEAS of sight more apt to be confounded with the IDEAS of touch
than those of hearing are
48 How this comes to pass
49 Strictly speaking, we never see and feel the same thing
50 Objects of SIGHT twofold, mediate and immediate
51 These hard to separate in our thoughts
52 The received accounts of our perceiving magnitude by sight, false
53 Magnitude perceived as immediately as distance
54 Two kinds of sensible extension, neither of which is
infinitely divisible
55 The tangible magnitude of an OBJECT steady, the visible not
56 By what means tangible magnitude is perceived by sight
57 This further enlarged on
58 No necessary connection between confusion or faintness
of appearance, and small or great magnitude
59 The tangible magnitude of an OBJECT more heeded than the visible,
and why
60 An instance of this
61 Men do not measure by visible feet or inches
62 No necessary connection between visible and tangible extension
63 Greater visible magnitude might signify lesser tangible magnitude
64 The judgments we make of magnitude depend altogether on experience
65 Distance and magnitude seen as shame or anger
66 But we are prone to think otherwise, and why
67 The moon seems greater in the horizon than in the meridian
68 The cause of this phenomenon assigned
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