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A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by George Berkeley
page 4 of 85 (04%)
69 The horizontal moon, why greater at one time than another.
70 The account we have given proved to be true
71 And confirmed by the moon's appearing greater in a mist
72 Objection answered
73 The way wherein faintness suggests greater magnitude illustrated
74 Appearance of the horizontal moon, why thought difficult to explain
75 Attempts towards the solution of it made by several, but in vain
76 The opinion of Dr. Wallis
77 It is shown to be unsatisfactory
78 How lines and angles may be of use in computing apparent magnitudes
79 One born blind, being made to see, what judgment he would make
of magnitude
80 The MINIMUM VISIBLE the same to all creatures
81 Objection answered
82 The eye at all times perceives the same number of visible points
83 Two imperfections in the VISIVE FACULTY
84 Answering to which, we may conceive two perfections
85 In neither of these two ways do microscopes improve the sight
86 The case of microscopical eyes, considered
87 The sight, admirably adapted to the ends of seeing
88 Difficulty concerning erect vision
89 The common way of explaining it
90 The same shown to be false
91 Not distinguishing between IDEAS of sight and touch, cause
of mistake in this matter
92 The case of one born blind, proper to be considered
93 Such a one might by touch attain to have IDEAS of UPPER and LOWER
94 Which modes of situation he would attribute only to things tangible
95 He would not at first sight think anything he saw, high or low,
erect or inverted
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