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Beechcroft at Rockstone by Charlotte Mary Yonge
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bad enough at home.'

'If it is old Jasper, we shall see in the paper to-day. I will send
it down to you from the station. Supposing it is Sir Jasper, and she
wants to go out to him, we must take in some of the children.'

'Oh! Dear little Primrose would be nice enough, but what should we
do with that Halfpenny woman? If we had the other girls, I suppose
they would be at school all day; but surely some might go to
Beechcroft. And mind, Jane, I will not have you overtasking
yourself! Do not take any of them without having Gillian to help
you. That I stipulate.'

Jane Mohun seemed as if she did not hear as these sentences were
uttered at intervals, while she stood dashing off postcards at her
davenport. Then she said, on her way to the door---

'Don't expect me to-night. I will send Fanny to ask one of the
Wellands to come in to you, and telegraph if I bring any one home
with me.'

'But, Jane dear--'

However, the door was shut, and by the time Miss Adeline had reached
her sister's room, the ever-ready bag was nearly packed.

'I only wanted to say, dear Jane, that you must give my love to dear
Lily. I am grieved---grieved for her; but indeed you must not
undertake anything rash.' (A shake of the head, as the shoes went
into their neat bag.) 'Do not let her persuade you to stay at
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