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Beechcroft at Rockstone by Charlotte Mary Yonge
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Silverfold in her absence. You cannot give up everything here'

'Yes, yes, Ada, I know it does not suit you. Never fear.'

'It is not that, but you are much too useful here to drop everything,
especially now every one is away. I would willingly sacrifice
myself, but--'

'Yes, I know, Ada dear. Now, good-bye, and take care of yourself,
and don't be nervous. It may mean only that young Japs has twisted
his little finger.'

And with a kiss, Miss Mohun ran downstairs as fast and lightly as if
her years had been half their amount, and accomplished her orders to
Fanny---otherwise Mrs. Mount---a Beechcroft native, who, on being left
a widow, had returned to her former mistresses, bringing with her a
daughter, who had grown up into an efficient housemaid. After a few
words with her, Miss Mohun sped on, finding time at the station to
purchase a morning paper just come down, and to read among the

'COLOMBO, Sept. 3rd.
'Lieutenant-General Sir Jasper Merrifield, G.C.B., has been thrown
from his horse, and received severe injuries.'

She despatched this paper to her sister by a special messenger, whom
she had captured by the way, and was soon after in the train,
knitting and pondering.
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