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Cappy Ricks by Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne
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or The Subjugation of Matt Peasley

by Peter B. Kyne


As exemplified in the persons of my good friends,

Captain Ralph E. Peasley,
of Jonesport, Maine,

Who skippered the first five-masted schooner ever built, brought her,
on that first voyage, through the worst typhoon that ever blew, and
upon arriving at the Yang Tse Kiang River for the first time in his
adventurous career, decided he could not trust a Chinese pilot and
established a record by sailing her up himself!

Captain I. N. Hibberd,
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Sometime master of the American clipper ship, Cyrus Wakefield, who, at
the age of twenty-five, broke three world's records in one voyage: San
Francisco to Liverpool and back, eight months and two days; Liverpool
to San Francisco, one hundred days; from the equator to San Francisco,
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