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The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
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Book V: Wheat and Tares

1. In the Red Deeps
2. Aunt Glegg Learns the Breadth of Bob's Thumb
3. The Wavering Balance
4. Another Love-Scene
5. The Cloven Tree
6. The Hard-Won Triumph
7. A Day of Reckoning

Book VI: The Great Temptation

1. A Duet in Paradise
2. First Impressions
3. Confidential Moments
4. Brother and Sister
5. Showing That Tom Had Opened the Oyster
6. Illustrating the Laws of Attraction
7. Philip Re-enters
8. Wakem in a New Light
9. Charity in Full-Dress
10. The Spell Seems Broken
11. In the Lane
12. A Family Party
13. Borne Along by the Tide
14. Waking

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