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The Real Dope by Ring Lardner
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_On the Ship Board, Jan. 15._

FRIEND AL: Well Al I suppose it is kind of foolish to be writeing you a
letter now when they won't be no chance to mail it till we get across the
old pond but still and all a man has got to do something to keep themself
busy and I know you will be glad to hear all about our trip so I might as
well write you a letter when ever I get a chance and I can mail them to you
all at once when we get across the old pond and you will think I have wrote
a book or something.

Jokeing a side Al you are lucky to have an old pal thats going to see all
the fun and write to you about it because its a different thing haveing
a person write to you about what they see themself then getting the dope
out of a newspaper or something because you will know that what I tell you
is the real dope that I seen myself where if you read it in a newspaper
you know its guest work because in the 1st. place they don't leave the
reporters get nowheres near the front and besides that they wouldn't go
there if they had a leave because they would be to scared like the baseball
reporters that sets a mile from the game because they haven't got the nerve
to get down on the field where a man could take a punch at them and even
when they are a mile away with a screen in front of them they duck when
somebody hits a pop foul.

Well Al it is against the rules to tell you when we left the old U. S. or
where we come away from because the pro German spy might get a hold of a
man's letter some way and then it would be good night because he would send
a telegram to where the submarines is located at and they wouldn't send no
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