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The Real Dope by Ring Lardner
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1 or 2 submarines after us but the whole German navy would get after us
because they would figure that if they ever got us it would be a rich hall.
When I say that Al I don't mean it to sound like I was swell headed or
something and I don't mean it would be a rich hall because I am on board or
nothing like that but you would know what I am getting at if you seen the
bunch we are takeing across.

In the 1st. place Al this is a different kind of a trip then the time I
went around the world with the 2 ball clubs because then it was just the 1
boat load and only for two or 3 of the boys on board it wouldn't of made no
difference if the boat had of turned a turtle only to pave the whole bottom
of the ocean with ivory. But this time Al we have got not only 1 boat load
but we got four boat loads of soldiers alone and that is not all we have
got. All together Al there is 10 boats in the parade and 6 of them is what
they call the convoys and that means war ships that goes along to see that
we get there safe on acct. of the submarines and four of them is what they
call destroyers and they are little bits of shafers but they say they can
go like he--ll when they get started and when a submarine pops up these
little birds chases right after them and drops a death bomb on to them and
if it ever hits them the capt. of the submarine can pick up what is left of
his boat and stick a 2 cent stamp on it and mail it to the kaiser.

Jokeing a side I guess they's no chance of a submarine getting fat off
of us as long as these little birds is on watch so I don't see why a man
shouldn't come right out and say when we left and from where we come from
but if they didn't have some kind of rules they's a lot of guys that
wouldn't know no better then write to Van Hinburg or somebody and tell them
all they know but I guess at that they could use a post card.

Well Al we been at sea just two days and a lot of the boys has gave up the
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