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382 books found

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Author Title Pages
William James Jackman;Thomas Herbert Russell;Octave Chanute Flying Machines: construction and operation; a practical book which shows, in illustrations, working plans and text, how to build and navigate the modern airship 237
Gabrielle E. Jackson Peggy Stewart: Navy Girl at Home 223
George Jackson The Teaching of Jesus 183
Helen Hunt Jackson A Calendar of Sonnets 10
Helen Hunt Jackson Between Whiles 198
Helen Hunt Jackson Bits about Home Matters 174
Helen Hunt Jackson Mercy Philbrick's Choice 259
Helen Hunt Jackson Ramona 538
Helen Hunt Jackson Saxe Holm's Stories 330
Josephine A. Jackson;Helen M. Salisbury Outwitting Our Nerves - A Primer of Psychotherapy 353
Giles Jacob Tractus de Hermaphrodites - Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites 47
Violet Jacob Songs of Angus and More Songs of Angus 74
Caroline E. Jacobs The S. W. F. Club 180
Charles M. Jacobs Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 - The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad, - The North River Division. Paper No. 1151 34
Harriet Ann Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Written by Herself 248
Joseph Jacobs The Story of Geographical Discovery - How the World Became Known 170
W. W. Jacobs A Golden Venture - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 11. 18
W. W. Jacobs A Mixed Proposal - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 9. 18
W. W. Jacobs A Spirit of Avarice - Odd Craft, Part 11. 18
W. W. Jacobs A Tiger's Skin - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 8. 17
W. W. Jacobs Admiral Peters - Odd Craft, Part 14. 21
W. W. Jacobs An Adulteration Act - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 10. 19
W. W. Jacobs At Sunwich Port, Part 1. - Contents: Chapters 1-5 47
W. W. Jacobs At Sunwich Port, Part 2. - Contents: Chapters 6-10 65
W. W. Jacobs At Sunwich Port, Part 3. - Contents: Chapters 11-15 53
W. W. Jacobs At Sunwich Port, Part 4. - Contents: Chapters 16-20 52
W. W. Jacobs At Sunwich Port, Part 5. - Contents: Chapters 21-25 52
W. W. Jacobs Back to Back - Night Watches, Part 1. 20
W. W. Jacobs Bedridden and the Winter Offensive - Deep Waters, Part 8. 13
W. W. Jacobs Bill's Lapse - Odd Craft, Part 4. 18
W. W. Jacobs Bill's Paper Chase - Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 3. 17
W. W. Jacobs Blundell's Improvement - Odd Craft, Part 3. 19
W. W. Jacobs Bob's Redemption - Captains All, Book 5. 18
W. W. Jacobs Breaking a Spell - Odd Craft, Part 6. 16
W. W. Jacobs Captain Rogers - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 7. 18
W. W. Jacobs Captains All - Captains All, Part 1. 18
W. W. Jacobs Captains All and Others 169
W. W. Jacobs Cupboard Love - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 5. 17
W. W. Jacobs Deep Waters, the Entire Collection 183
W. W. Jacobs Deserted - Sailor's Knots, Part 1. 15
W. W. Jacobs Dialstone Lane, Part 1. 55
W. W. Jacobs Dialstone Lane, Part 2. 51
W. W. Jacobs Dialstone Lane, Part 3. 64
W. W. Jacobs Dialstone Lane, Part 4. 43
W. W. Jacobs Dialstone Lane, Part 5. 58
W. W. Jacobs Dirty Work - Deep Waters, Part 11. 19
W. W. Jacobs Dixon's Return - Odd Craft, Part 10. 16
W. W. Jacobs Double Dealing - Sailor's Knots, Part 11. 16
W. W. Jacobs Dual Control - Ship's Company, Part 8. 17
W. W. Jacobs Easy Money - Night Watches, Part 9. 17

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