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1159 books found

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Author Title Pages
William Shakespeare Henry V 138
William Shakespeare Henry VI - Part 1 124
William Shakespeare Henry VI - Part 2 140
William Shakespeare Henry VI - Part 3 136
William Shakespeare Henry VIII 141
William Shakespeare Julius Caesar 118
William Shakespeare Julius Caesar 155
William Shakespeare King Henry IV, Part 1 162
William Shakespeare King Henry IV, Part 2 176
William Shakespeare King Henry V 169
William Shakespeare King Henry VI, Part 1 155
William Shakespeare King Henry VI, Part 2 175
William Shakespeare King Henry VI, Part 3 172
William Shakespeare King Henry VIII 171
William Shakespeare King John 110
William Shakespeare King John 137
William Shakespeare King Lear 143
William Shakespeare King Lear 204
William Shakespeare King Richard II 144
William Shakespeare King Richard III 216
William Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost 169
William Shakespeare Loves Labour Lost 128
William Shakespeare Macbeth 110
William Shakespeare Macbeth 139
William Shakespeare Measure for Measure 128
William Shakespeare Measure for Measure 164
William Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing 119
William Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing 156
William Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing 151
William Shakespeare Othello 156
William Shakespeare Othello 210
William Shakespeare Pericles 139
William Shakespeare Richard II 115
William Shakespeare Richard III 168
William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet 132
William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet 176
William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Sonnets 88
William Shakespeare Shakespeare's play of the Merchant of Venice - Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes by Charles Kean, F.S.A. 130
William Shakespeare Sonnets on Sundry Notes of Music 9
William Shakespeare The Comedy of Errors 84
William Shakespeare The Comedy of Errors 107
William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice 113
William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice 141
William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor 121
William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor 162
William Shakespeare The Passionate Pilgrim 10
William Shakespeare The Passionate Pilgrim 9
William Shakespeare The Phoenix and the Turtle 4
William Shakespeare The Rape of Lucrece 73
William Shakespeare The Rape of Lucrece 74

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