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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 41 of 78 (52%)
Of course I assented to the proposition.

"Where the devil is FRITZ?" said BILL.

"Oh, he's been sleeping for the last two hours," said MOLTKE.

"Never mind," said BILL, "telegraph a victory by FRITZ."

So I telegraphed,

"A great victory has been won by our FRITZ. What great things have we
done for ourselves! We'll keep it up, old woman,

(Signed) BILL."

When I reached the tent everybody was asleep. NAP was reclining
gracefully on the breast of BISMARCK, as affectionately as if they were
brothers-in-law. The moon shone; the sky was skyey; the hills were
hilly; and all nature was getting up.

Anybody who says the above did not come over the cable lies, wickedly,
maliciously lies, with intent to deceive. As soon as JACK SMITH'S smack
sails, I'll send you a piece of the cable it came over.

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[Illustration: Mr. Bull: The Sutler of the World]

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