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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 42 of 78 (53%)

He Reviews the Career of a Lunatic. -- A Graduate with Nice Ideas.

KING WILYAM, Most noble Loonatic:

_We gates all der while!_ Accordin' to the Marine Cable, I understand
you've given old BONEY a _slosh on der cope mit der Sweitzer case;_ or
in good plain United States talk, LEWIS NAPOLEON has taken his Umpire,
and shoved it up the spout, without the benefit of Judge or Jewry.

I kinder had an idee that when the now busted up rooler of the Umpire
tackled you, that it would have been a ten dollar greenback in his
panterloons pocket if he had let the contract out on shares to his

I've allers heard say that as able-bodied a Loonatic as the French say
you be, could handle any 3 ordinary men, "Be be Jost or Gobler damed,"
to cote from our friend BILLY SHAKESPEER.

We have had evidences here, of the superiority of Loonatics, mor'en

If a man can prove that his upper story is crackt, he can wallop his
wife to his heart's content; and if anybody interferes, he can popp him
off with a six shooter, and the law will stand to his back.

Judges and Jewrys, when tryin' such a man, think he is sum punkins,
while all the illustrated papers stick the celebrated Loonatic's
fotograf onto their first page.
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