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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 43 of 78 (55%)

I would like to ask you, if your insanity is of the melon-colic, (this
bein' the season when melons is ripe,) or is it of the _pro temper_

I shoulden't wonder, between you and I, but that you inherited it from
your illustrous Antsister, FREDERICK the Grate, who was about as sassy a
Loonatic as you can pick up.

What _we_ need just now, and what _we_ have needed for a good while, is
a able-bodied Loonatic to send to England as minister.

With such a crazy Statesman as you be, them 'ere little Alabarmy claims
would have been squared up long ago, or else, if this court knows
herself intimately, the British lion would have been sent off howlin',
with a tin kittle tide to his cordil appendage.

You probly observe, I go heavy on Loonatics. Yes, sir! they are the
"Coming man," the 16th Commandment; or Chinese Coolers can't hold a
candle to 'em.

When a man ups and does something nobody else can do, if they'd bust
their biler tryin', then he is sot down as bein' crazy as a loon by his
jelous nabors.

I haven't heard whether BISMARK'S or FRITZ'S upper storys were shaky, or
not, but there haint the shadder of a dowt in my mind, but what both of
these long headed chaps are madder than GEO. FRANCIS TRAIN any day; and
that the Crown Prints employs his spare time strikin' tragic attitoods,
and repeatin' the follerin well known verses:
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