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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 44 of 78 (56%)

"I am not mad!
I am not mad!
But only on my mussle.
Old NAP'd been glad
If he and King dad
Had never got into a tussle."

My object in riting to you, great Conkeror of the man whose son was so
_bully_ at pickin' up _bullocks,_ is to congratulate you.

Speakin' after the manner of men, You are an old Cinnamon bud. Havin'
served my country for 4 years as Gustise of the Peece, you can rely on
my giving a good sound opinion, from which there haint no repeal to a
higher court.

What do you think of my startin' a college here for the purpus of
edicatin' Loonatics?

We've got 3 colliges here, Harvard, 'Ale, and the Electoral College, and
a skalier lot of week-kneed timber than these institutions sometimes
turns out, would make you stick to your stomack to look at.

Stugents are turned out from these asilums with pooty ristocratick idees
into their nozzles.

I once knew a chap who was a gradooate of one of these institutions of

He was more ristocratick than a retired church deekin'.
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