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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 47 of 78 (60%)
visit you, you wont say:

"Nix cum arous,"

I will dry up.

Ewers anon,


_Lait Gustise of the Peece_

* * * * *


In Different Moods and Tenses.

SALLY SALTER, she was a young teacher, who taught,
And her friend, CHARLEY CHURCH, was a preacher, who praught;
Though his enemies called him a screecher, who scraught.

His heart, when he saw her, kept sinking, and sunk,
And his eye, meeting hers, began winking, and wunk;
While she, in her turn, fell to thinking, and thunk.

He hastened to woo her, and sweetly he wooed,
For his love grew until to a mountain it grewed,
And what he was longing to do, then he doed.

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