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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 46 of 78 (58%)
Like ALADIN'S lamp, you can
By merely givin' a rub,
Bring around most any man,
By fillin' him up with grub.

But, most noble cuss of the Realm, I must lay aside my goose quil, and
go and do the family chores. But afore I close this letter let me speak
a word for your noble prisoner, L. NAPOLEON, Esq.

Deal gently with him.

Altho' he plade the wrong card when he pitched into you, recollect the
old maxum:

"Never bute a feller when he is down."

France is better, in a good many respects, for things LEWIS done for

But he has gone to the shades, and SHAKSPEER aptly says:

"The evil which men do,
Lives a darn site longer than
The evil they don't do."

Which sentiment shode that old SHAKE was a hulsail dealer in human

Hopin' that in the days of your prosperity, you wont forgit your poor
relations, sich as _mothers-in-law_ and the like, and when they come to
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