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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 60 of 78 (76%)
disgusts me, it is to meet people that ain't posted about things.

As the steamer neared the Hotel, on our return, the departing sun was
flinging back his last good-night smile on the lovely scene below, and
the musical chime of the little church at Caldwell came stealing sweetly
over the bosom of the placid Lake. As its fairy-like sounds reached our
ears, a melancholy-looking man with long hair, who sat near, started,
smiled, and turning to me, said:

"Did I ever tell you that story about SLUKER?"

As I had never seen the party before, I replied that if he had I had
forgotten it.

"SLUKER," he repeated, gazing absently at the distant spire; "SLUKER,"
he reiterated, rubbing his nose abstractedly with the handle of his
umbrella; "SLUKER," he continued--

--in my next, my dear PUNCHINELLO, in my next.


[_To be continued_.]

* * * * *


There can be no doubt that Grévy is in the right place, as a member of
the Provisional government of France.
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