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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 61 of 78 (78%)

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[Illustration: _Old Gent_. "Don't scatter water on my feet, man,--do you
suppose I want 'em to grow any bigger?"]

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Although our Metropolitan Detectives have hitherto failed to solve the
mystery in which certain atrocious murders remain shrouded, yet it would
be simply captious to impeach them, on that account, for lack of
sagacity, zeal, courage, or any of the numerous other qualities that go
to the making up of an efficient "Hawkshaw."

That they are not deficient in zeal, at least, is manifest from a
circumstance which took place a short time since. Counterfeiting had
been carried on to a great extent in the city. The rashness of
counterfeiters is proverbial, and they usually carry on their operations
immediately under the nasal protuberance of the law. Nevertheless, in
the case under notice, some vigilant detective, with a nose as sharp as
that of a Spitz-dog, obtained a clue to the arrangements of the
counterfeiters. Having informed some of his associates, a concerted
descent was made by the party upon a house in one of the lower streets
of the city. A portion of the house is, and has been for years past,
occupied by several artists connected with the illustrated press. Few
gentlemen are better known in large circles than these artists, none
more highly appreciated by hosts of friends. But duty is duty--often
stern, but never to be shirked; and so the faithful detectives inserted
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