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Happiness and Marriage by Elizabeth (Jones) Towne
page 59 of 76 (77%)
in wisdom _by the scourging he gets_. He has transgressed _his
conception_ of the One Law and suffers in getting back to _at-one-ment_.

In either case he _grows in wisdom_ and eventually he will desire only
in accordance with the One Law of Individual Choice.

There is no question of "ought" about it. The individual is free to
follow desire or to crucify it. And the fact is, _he follows desire when
he crucifies it_. He _desires_ to crucify desire, because he _is afraid_
to gratify it.

The man who is not afraid follows desire and grows fast _in wisdom and
in knowledge_. He may make mistakes and suffer all sorts of agonies as a
result. But he learns from his misses as well as from his hits, and he

The man who is afraid to follow desire crucifies _his life_ and stunts
his growth.

It were better for the individual to follow his desire and afterward
repent, than to crush his desires and repent for a lifetime under the
false impression that the universe unjustly gives to another that which
should have belonged to him.

There is just one kind of growth--_growth in wisdom._ We hear of
children "who grow up in ignorance." We likewise hear that the earth is
square and the moon a green cheese. Children can no more grow in
ignorance than they can grow in a dark and air-tight case. _All_ growth,
mental, moral, spiritual or "physical," is by increase in in-telligence;
i.e., by _recognition_ of more truth. All things exist in a limitless
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