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Happiness and Marriage by Elizabeth (Jones) Towne
page 60 of 76 (78%)
sea of pure wisdom waiting, waiting _to be understood_. As fast as this
universal wisdom is used it becomes _in-told--_intelligence--
_recognized_ wisdom. We _breathe in wisdom_ and grow in intelligence.
_All_ growth, mineral, plant, animal, man or god, conscious or
unconscious--ALL growth is by this process. It is DESIRE that makes us
breathe. Everything cries out for more, _more!--it_ cannot define always
_what_ it wants, but it _wants,_ with insatiable craving. It is _more
wisdom_ the whole creation groaneth and travaileth to get. "Give me more
understanding or I die!"--the visible eternally cries out to the
Invisible. Desire is the ceaseless life-urge of all things, from amoeba
to archangel. Desire is "Immanuer'--_God with us_--God _in_ us to will
and to do."



"I have recently married for the second time. My husband is a splendid
man but his grown up children are not in harmony with me. Good people,
but a different point of view. I make no pretensions to perfection, of
course, but I do try to do the best lean."

This is the gist of several letters I have received from as many
different women. I will answer them together.

When you enter a new home the matter of importance is _not_ whether your
new relatives harmonize with you, but whether _you_ harmonize with
_them_. It is for _you_ to do _all_ the adjusting.
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