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Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance - A Study of Rhetorical Terms in English Renaissance Literary Criticism by Donald Lemen Clark
page 4 of 193 (02%)
I. Introductory
1. The Distinction between Rhetoric and Poetic

II. Classical Poetic
1. Aristotle
2. "Longinus"
3. Plutarch
4. Horace

III. Classical Rhetoric
1. Definitions
2. Subject Matter
3. Content of Classical Rhetoric
4. Rhetoric as Part of Poetic
5. Poetic as Part of Rhetoric

IV. Classical Blending of Rhetoric and Poetic
1. The Contact of Rhetoric and Poetic in Style
2. The Florid Style in Rhetoric and Poetic
3. The False Rhetoric of the Declamation Schools
4. The Contamination of Poetic by False Rhetoric

V. The Middle Ages
1. The Decay of Classical Rhetorical Tradition
2. Rhetoric as Aureate Language

VI. Logic and Rhetoric in the English Renaissance
1. The Content of Classical Rhetoric Carried over into Logic
2. The Persistence of the Mediaeval Tradition of Rhetoric
3. The Recovery of Classical Rhetoric
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