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Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance - A Study of Rhetorical Terms in English Renaissance Literary Criticism by Donald Lemen Clark
page 5 of 193 (02%)
4. Channels of Rhetorical Theory

VII. Renaissance Poetic
1. The Reestablishment of the Classical Tradition
2. Rhetorical Elements

VIII. Theories of Poetry in the English Renaissance
1. The Rhetorical Period of English Criticism
2. The Influence of Horace
3. The Influence of Aristotle
4. Manuals for Poets 5. Rhetorical Elements in Later English Classicism

Part Second: The Purpose of Poetry

I. The Classical Conception of the Purpose of Poetry
1. General
2. Moral Improvement through Precept and Example
3. Moral Improvement through Allegory
4. The Influence of Rhetoric

II. Medieval Ideas of the Purpose of Poetry
1. Allegorical Interpretations in the Middle Ages
2. Allegory in Mediaeval England

III. Rhetorical Elements in Italian Renaissance Conceptions of the Purpose
of Poetry
1. The Scholastic Grouping of Poetic, Rhetoric and Logic
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