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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 10 of 80 (12%)
Tippy Toes was a homely little Bunny. He had a very ugly little nose,
but he was polite. He always said, "Thank you," and, "If you please."

Mother Cotton-Tail said, "You may go and pay a visit to Bunny and
Susan. Go and pack your traveling bag at once."

Tippy Toes was so pleased he hugged Mother Cotton-Tail and said, "Thank
you, Mother Cotton-Tail, I will go and pack my traveling bag."

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "I will go with you to the turn of the road."

Soon they started merrily down the road and Mother Cotton-Tail called,
"Good-bye, good-bye."

They had only gone a few steps when Mother Cotton-Tail called, "Come
back, come back, you have forgotten your umbrella. What if it should

Tippy Toes went dancing merrily back and Papa Cotton-Tail waited for
him. They started on again and this time Mother Cotton-Tail called,
"Come back, come back, you have forgotten your overshoes. What if there
should be a thunder storm?"

So Tippy Toes went dancing merrily back and Papa Cotton-Tail waited for
him again. When they started the third time Tippy Toes said, "We have
nothing to go back for this time," but the wind whistled in his ears.

Mother Cotton-Tail called again, "Come back, come back, Tippy Toes, you
have forgotten your red silk pocket handkerchief."

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