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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 9 of 80 (11%)
He got out of bed and lit a candle. He said, "I believe I am the
ugliest little Bunny with the ugliest little nose of any Bunny alive."

He began to dance before the mirror. He danced this way and that way
before the mirror. He danced very prettily on the tips of his toes.
Then he made a low bow and said,

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Tippy Toes."

Then Snubby Nose went back to bed. He said, "To-morrow I will go and
find Tippy Toes."


Where do you suppose Tippy Toes was, and what do you suppose he was
doing? He woke up in his warm little bed at home and said, "Oh, Ma! Oh,
Pa! I want to go and visit Bunny and Susan Cotton-Tail."

Mother Cotton-Tail laughed and said, "You have read about Bunny
Cotton-Tail burning his paw by candle-light."

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "You have read about Susan's cookies!"

Tippy Toes said, "Please, may I go and visit Bunny and Susan?"

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