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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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"Doctor Cotton-Tail you were going to tell us where you were going to
call when you came here!"

Doctor Cotton-Tail said, "I was on my way to call on little Tippy

"My fur and whiskers," said Bunny, "I never had a grandchild named
Tippy Toes!"

"Bless my buttons," said Susan, "What a cute little name."

Then Grandpa Grumbles got up waving his green cotton umbrella and

"Though the stormy north wind blows,
I'll go with you to Tippy Toes."

Then he and Doctor Cotton-Tail made a low bow and went out into the

Doctor Cotton-Tail called back, "Don't forget to eat wintergreen

By this time Bunny and Susan and Snubby Nose were tired and sleepy, and
they all went to bed. Bunny began to snore and Susan began to snore,
but Snubby Nose was still wide awake.

What do you suppose Snubby Nose did? You can give three guesses and you
will not guess what he did!

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