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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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tall chimney for Bunny, because he burns his paw in the candle."

Then Tippy Toes danced this way, and he danced that way, and said, "Oh,
Ma, may I go with you to town to help buy the lamp?"

Mother Cotton-Tail said, "Papa Cotton-Tail has to go to work. If I go
to town and you go, too, who will tend the fire? Who will wash the

Tippy Toes wanted to go to town, but he was a good little Bunny, so he

"Who will tend the fire? Whom do you suppose?
Who will wash the dishes? Little Tippy Toes."

So Mother Cotton-Tail put on her best sunbonnet and took her purse and
shopping basket with her, and went off with Papa Cotton-Tail calling,
"Good-bye, I will be home to supper at five o'clock sharp."

Then Tippy Toes danced a little fairylike dance before the mirror and

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Snubby Nose."

Tippy Toes said, "I have danced that dance before, and I sing that song
very often, but the mirror always gives me the same answer. Who is
Snubby Nose? I wonder if he has a real ugly little nose like I have?"

Then Tippy Toes made up the fire and washed the dishes and began to get
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