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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 13 of 80 (16%)
things ready to cook for supper. He said, "I do wish I could go and
find Snubby Nose; I wonder if Bunny and Susan can tell me about him."


Tippy Toes sat down in front of the clock and began to count the hours
until Mother Cotton-Tail would come home. He fell asleep and dreamed
that he saw a little Bunny exactly like himself stuck fast in a
snowdrift. When he woke up it was five o'clock and Papa Cotton-Tail had
just come home.

They got supper and waited, and waited, for Mother Cotton-Tail. At
exactly six o'clock she came in. She was an hour late.

She came on the stroke of the clock. She said, "I have been shopping
all day."

Mother Cotton-Tail took a wonderful lamp from her basket. It had a pink
shade and a tall chimney.

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "If you send the lamp to Bunny I must send
something to Susan. I will go to town to-morrow and get Susan a pair of

Tippy Toes said, "Oh Pa, may I go with you to town to-morrow?"

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "Who will roll out the cookies for Mother
Cotton-Tail? Who will run her little errands all day?"

Then Tippy Toes danced this way, and he danced that way, and sang,
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