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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 14 of 80 (17%)

"Who will do errands? Whom do you suppose?
Who will roll cookies? Little Tippy Toes."

So, they had a merry time at supper that evening and lighted the new
lamp, and Papa Cotton-Tail read fairy tales.

Tippy Toes did not tell what the mirror had answered him. He kept that
as a secret. He said to himself, "I do wonder _who_ Snubby Nose


Next day Tippy Toes woke up early and cried out, "Oh, Mother
Cotton-Tail, it is time to wake up! Oh, Papa Cotton-Tail, it is time to
wake up!"

Sure enough it was time for Bunnies to wake up because it was sunrise.

Tippy Toes helped to get breakfast. He went to the well to draw water.
He began to sing a little fairy song,

"Ding, dong bell,
Pussy's in the well."

"Poor Pussy, I wonder if she is still in the well," he said. He peeped
down to look into the well.
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