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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 15 of 80 (18%)

Papa Cotton-Tail called, "Hurry, hurry, it is time for breakfast."

Then Tippy Toes drew a bucket full of water and said, "Is poor Pussy
still in the well?"

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "If you ever read your Mother Goose you would
know she is not in the well."

"Who pulled her out?" asked Tippy Toes.

Mother Cotton-Tail said, "Hush, be still, you ask too many questions!"

Tippy Toes wondered all day who pulled poor Pussy out. He danced this
way, and he danced that way, and he set the table for breakfast.

He said, "If you are home by dinner time Papa Cotton-Tail, may I go and
visit Bunny and Susan?"

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "If I get home in time with Susan's spectacles
you may go to-day."

Papa Cotton-Tail put on his big fur coat and went merrily down the
road. Mother Cotton-Tail began to make cookies and Tippy Toes rolled
them out for her. Now, will you believe it? before they had a single
pan of cookies baked, Papa Cotton-Tail was back home again.

Mother Cotton-Tail said, "Why are you back so soon?"

Tippy Toes said, "Did you get the spectacles already?"
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