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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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Papa Cotton-Tail said, "I met a peddler and he had a pair of black
spectacles in his pack."

Papa Cotton-Tail put on the black spectacles and he looked so funny
that Mother Cotton-Tail said, "Let me try them on," and Tippy Toes
cried, "Please let me try them on!"

Mother Cotton-Tail said, "I will pack Bunny's lamp and Susan's
spectacles and you may start on your long journey at once."

Tippy Toes put on his best coat and cap and kissed his mother good-bye.
Papa Cotton-Tail went with him again to the bend of the road. Suddenly
Tippy Toes stopped still. He stopped stock-still in the road. He said,
"Oh, Pa, I must go back, I forgot something!"

What do you suppose Tippy Toes forgot?

He always danced up and down before the mirror before he went out. So,
he went back home, hoppity, skippity, hop; and Papa Cotton-Tail waited
for him at the bend of the road.

Tippy Toes stood before the mirror and he danced this way and he danced
that way and said,

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Snubby Nose."

Then Tippy Toes laughed and laughed.

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