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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 17 of 80 (21%)
"I will go and find Snubby Nose," he said, "for he must be as ugly as I
am with my little turned-up nose."

He went running down the road and was soon off and away. The wind
whistled in his ears.

At that very minute he heard Papa Cotton-Tail crying, "Hello, hello!
Come back to the bend in the road, Tippy Toes."

Tippy Toes said to himself, "What can Papa Cotton-Tail want? Shall I
never get started?"

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "How will you know the house when you come to

Tippy Toes said, "I will ask any one I meet."

Papa Cotton-Tail said, "That is right, and be sure to bow when you meet
Grandpa Grumbles."

Then they said "Good-bye" again, and Tippy Toes went merrily along. He met
Bushy-Tail, the sly old Fox. Bushy-Tail asked, "Where are you going in
such a hurry, Snubby Nose?"

Then Tippy Toes danced this way and he danced that way, and he said,

"That is a matter I do not disclose,
But, sir, my name is not Snubby Nose."

[Illustration: "'MY NAME IS NOT SNUBBY NOSE'"]
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