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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 18 of 80 (22%)

Bushy-Tail was surprised you may be sure. He said, "Well, you and
Snubby Nose are as much alike as two peas."

Tippy Toes bowed and said, "Will you please tell me how I may know when
I have passed by the house Bunny and Susan Cotton-Tail live in?"

Tippy Toes did not say he was going to stop and see Bunny and Susan.

Bushy-Tail looked cross-eyed. He said, "If you will tell me your name
little fellow, I will take you straight to Bunny Cotton-Tail's house
in the woods."

I do not know what would have happened next if Grandpa Grumbles and
Doctor Cotton-Tail had not come along.

Grandpa Grumbles thought it was Snubby Nose, of course, and he shouted,

"You're a careless Bunny, it is not funny,
The Doctor costs us a lot of money."

Then whisk! Before Tippy Toes or Doctor Cotton-Tail could say a word,
Grandpa Grumbles opened his green cotton umbrella and set Tippy Toes
inside and carried him through the woods. The wind whistled in their
ears as they went. Grandpa Grumbles kept saying over and over to

"You were ill, and it is not funny,
To call the Doctor and pay out money."

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