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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 19 of 80 (23%)
Tippy Toes shouted at last so loud he could be heard,

"Grandpa, I have a funny nose,
But my real name is Tippy Toes."

Grandpa Grumbles answered him,

"Snubby Nose, you can't fool me,
Though I'm foolish as can be."

Then Tippy Toes stuffed his furry little paw into his mouth to keep
from laughing out loud.

"I wonder if Bunny and Susan will think I am Snubby Nose, too," he
said. "What fun that will be. I will visit them until Snubby Nose comes

By and by they came to Bunny Cotton-Tail's house. Grandpa Grumbles set
Tippy Toes down on the doorstep and shouted,

"The house is dark, as you can see,
You'll have to come and visit me."

So, they went on through the woods to Grandpa Grumble's house; for,
sure enough, Bunny and Susan had gone to bed and turned out all the

When they got to Grandpa Grumble's house a fire was burning merrily on
the hearth, and they went up and warmed their paws. Tippy Toes danced
up and down before the mirror and cried,
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