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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Snubby Nose."

Grandpa Grumbles looked at Tippy Toes over his spectacles and said, "I
have not heard you cry or scream or howl for thirty minutes."

Tippy Toes did not know what this meant, for he had never cried or
screamed or howled in all his life.

He went up to Grandpa Grumbles and made a low bow and said, "Dear
Grandpa Grumbles, I want to thank you for the ride in your green cotton

Grandpa Grumbles could hardly believe his ears. He grumbled,

"You might be fooling me I suppose,
Except for your ugly little nose."


What do you suppose Snubby Nose was doing all this time? He woke early
one morning and danced before the mirror and asked,

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Tippy Toes."

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