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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 21 of 80 (26%)
Snubby Nose cried, "That settles it, broken nose, or no broken nose, I
will go out and find Tippy Toes to-day. Perhaps he will be a fine
playmate for me."

Snubby Nose crept down stairs. He ran down the road and was soon out of

Bunny and Susan woke up and they looked in Snubby Nose's little bed,
but he was not there. They expected to hear him cry and scream and howl
any minute. They looked in the big chair. There was the pink flannel
wrapper but Snubby Nose was gone.

Bunny cried, "My fur and whiskers, he has gone out with his broken

Susan cried, "Bless my buttons, I expect to see him back any minute."

At that very minute Tippy Toes came tripping along, swinging his basket
to and fro and singing a nonsense song.

"My fur and whiskers, here he comes," cried Bunny, "and he is not
crying, but he is singing a song."

"Bless my buttons," said Susan, "he is not crying this time."

Tippy Toes came in and said, "Good morning Bunny and Susan, I have
brought you a present this fine winter morning."

Bunny and Susan could scarcely believe their ears, but Tippy Toes
opened his basket and took out the lamp and spectacles, and Bunny and
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