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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 22 of 80 (27%)
Susan were pleased, you may be sure.

Bunny lighted the lamp, saying, "How can I ever thank you, Snubby Nose?
Now I shall not burn my paw, as I read by candle-light."

Tippy Toes tried not to laugh when he was called "Snubby Nose." He
said, "Please tell me how you burned your paw, I am never tired hearing
about it."

Bunny Cotton-Tail began, "Once when I was young--"

"Rap-a-tap" was heard on the door, and Tippy Toes was so polite he went
to the door and brought the milk in.

Tippy Toes curled up then at Bunny Cotton-Tail's feet and begged, "Do
tell me now why you liked to read by candlelight."

Bunny Cotton-Tail began again, "Once when I was young--"

"Rap-a-tap" sounded on the door.

Tippy Toes went and let in the Grocer boy. He curled up again at Bunny
Cotton-Tail's feet and said, "Now Bunny, please tell me the story."

Bunny Cotton-Tail began again, "Once, when I was young--"

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

Soot began to pour down the chimney. It flew all over the room. It
covered the carpet and furniture and pictures.
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