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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 23 of 80 (28%)

Bunny shouted, "My fur and whiskers, what can be the matter?"

Susan said, "Bless my buttons, there is soot all over the room." Tippy
Toes danced on this foot, and danced on that foot, and said,

"Let me go up the chimney because,
I think it may be Santa Claus."

Then Bunny and Susan laughed, but soon Bunny Cotton-Tail coughed, and
Susan sneezed, so Tippy Toes knew something must be done at once. He
ran outdoors and looked up at the chimney.

There was Bushy-Tail, the sly old Fox acting as a chimney-sweep. He was
sweeping the chimney with his long, beautiful tail.


Tippy Toes cried, "Please come down and I will show you how to dance."
Bushy-Tail was surprised you may be sure. He thought it was Snubby
Nose, and Snubby Nose never said, "Please."

He jumped off the roof with a bound and howled, "Oh, ho! So you will
show me how to dance, will you?"

Then Bushy-Tail chased Tippy Toes away and away and away in the woods.

Tippy Toes said to himself,

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