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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 27 of 80 (33%)
"How polite he is," said Bunny Cotton-Tail. Susan said, "He does not
seem to mind when we speak of noses!"

Grandpa Grumbles said, "He does not cry any more."

They all sat by the fire warming their paws. Grandpa Grumbles was
thinking. At last he said to Bunny and Susan, "One day I heard Snubby
Nose talking as he stood before a mirror, and he said,"

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answered, "Tippy Toes."

Now this Little Cotton-Tail dances before the mirror, and he says,

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answers, "Snubby Nose."

"Snubby Nose, Tippy Toes," repeated Bunny and Susan over and over as
they warmed their paws by the fire.

By and by Grandpa Grumbles said, talking very fast, "Suppose there were
two little Cotton-Tails, one named Snubby Nose, and one named Tippy
Toes, suppose--just suppose they looked as much alike as two peas."

Bunny Cotton-Tail said, "My fur and whiskers, it seems like a fairy
tale, but Snubby Nose always cried, and this little Cotton-Tail is so

Susan cried, "Hark! I hear a rap-a-tap, who can be coming at this hour
of the night?"
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