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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 28 of 80 (35%)

The door opened; in fell Snubby Nose in a heap, and he cried and he
screamed and he howled!

Bunny and Susan and Grandpa Grumbles cried, "Hush, be still, stop
crying, and tell us what is the matter."

Grandpa Grumbles asked, "Did you hurt your ugly little nose?"

Then Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled louder than ever.

Bunny asked, "Did you get stuck fast in another snowdrift?"

Snubby Nose cried so loudly that they did not hear the "patter, patter,
patter" of little feet. They did not know that Tippy Toes was coming
down the staircase. Tippy Toes came dancing into the room, singing at
the top of his lungs,

"Who is so ugly? Nobody knows."
The mirror answers, "Snubby Nose?"

Then for one single minute Snubby Nose was still. He looked at Tippy
Toes. He looked him up and down.

Tippy Toes kissed him on both cheeks and nearly hugged the life out of

Bunny and Susan and Grandpa Grumbles said, "They are as much alike as
two peas. They both have ugly noses!"

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