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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 29 of 80 (36%)
When Snubby Nose heard them speak of _noses_ he cried and he
screamed and he howled!

Tippy Toes said, "Don't care about your nose. People know you wherever
you go."

Snubby Nose pricked up his ears and asked, "Don't you mind about your
ugly nose at all."

Tippy Toes danced this way and he danced that way and answered,

"I don't mind noses, for you see,
I am polite as I can be."

Then Snubby Nose stopped crying and hugged Tippy Toes and said, "I am
so glad to find you, Tippy Toes. How do you make up those funny little
rhymes. They tickle my eardrums."

All this time Grandpa Grumbles was thumping on the floor with his
umbrella. He made such a noise that Bunny said, "Hush, listen, Grandpa
Grumbles has something to say."

Susan said, "Hush, be still, Grandpa Grumbles wants to speak."

At last Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes stopped talking and dancing, and
they all listened to Grandpa Grumbles. He said,

"I want you both to come and stay,
With Grandpa Grumbles a year and a day."

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