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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 30 of 80 (37%)
Tippy Toes answered, "Thank you, Grandpa Grumbles, I will come and
visit you for a year and a day," but Snubby Nose cried and he screamed
and he howled.

I don't know what would have happened next, but Grandpa Grumbles went
outside, and opened wide his green cotton umbrella, and invited Snubby
Nose and Tippy Toes to step inside.

They did so, and in less time than it takes to tell it they were
sailing away with Grandpa Grumbles in his green cotton umbrella!


Bunny and Susan said, "How will he ever get along with Snubby Nose for
a year and a day? We wish Tippy Toes was back. He was such a good
little fellow."

Susan picked up the pink wrapper and Bunny picked up the pink cup and
saucer. Bunny Cotton-Tail said, "We will have a long quiet evening

"Don't be too sure of that," sang the wind as it whistled down the

Susan said, "I will put on my new spectacles and we will read by the
new lamp."

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

The Seventeen Little Bears came tumbling in the doors and windows!
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