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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 31 of 80 (38%)
They came in laughing and shouting,

"The Circus Cotton-Tails you see
Are just as funny as can be."

They got out their seventeen little stools and sat by the fire.

Bunny and Susan said, "What do you know about the Circus Cotton-Tails?"

The Seventeen Little Bears said,

"You only see them now at Fairs,
But we've become the Circus Bears."

"Have you got a Circus tent? Have you got a merry-go-round?" asked
Bunny and Susan. "Do tell us how long you have been Circus Bears."

The Seventeen Little Bears got on top of their seventeen little stools
and shouted, "We have just become Circus Bears today, that is the
reason we came tumbling in the door and windows."


The Seventeen Little Bears woke up early next morning. They all
whispered together so they would not wake Bunny and Susan.

The Seventeen Little Bears tiptoed very softly out of bed, and
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