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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 32 of 80 (40%)
"pitter-patter, pitter-patter" went their little feet down the stairs.

"We can stew, we can bake,
If we make no mistake."

They made the fire and began to stew and bake. They made coffee and
fried sausages and cakes. By and by Bunny and Susan woke up.

"My fur and whiskers, I smell something cooking," said Bunny.

Susan said, "Bless my buttons, I smell something cooking, too."

The Seventeen Little Bears said, "Ha, ha, ha! Bunny is talking about
his fur and whiskers. Ha, ha, ha! Susan is talking about her buttons.
We will give old Bunny and Susan something new to talk about!"

The Seventeen Little Bears shouted at the top of their lungs,

"We are Circus Bears, as all can see,
The merry-go-round waits you and me."

Susan called, "Hurry, hurry, hurry! Bunny do get dressed! Let us see
what the Seventeen Little Bears mean. How I do love to ride in a

When Bunny and Susan got downstairs they were surprised to see a fine
breakfast ready for them all on the table. They all sat down and had a
very merry time.

After breakfast the Seventeen Little Bears began to practice their
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