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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 33 of 80 (41%)
tricks. They slid on the banister and came downstairs head first.

Soon they were all crying, "Oh," and "Ah, how I hurt my head;" and
"Oh," and "Ah, how I hurt my toes!"

Bunny cried, "Bring the camphor! Bring the smelling salts, while they
are practicing their tricks!"

Susan Cotton-Tail sat down in the corner. She wiped her eyes.

Bunny said, "Have you lost your spectacles?"

Susan Cotton-Tail said, "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"

The Seventeen Little Bears all came crowding around Susan to see what
was the matter.

Susan still rocked to and fro and said, "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"

Bunny said, "Will you never tell us what is the matter?" Susan said

"I have some pride, but thought to ride,
In the merry-go-round, above the ground."

Then the Seventeen Little Bears all turned somersaults at once, and
Susan cried, "Stop them, stop them, or they will break their little

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_
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