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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 34 of 80 (42%)

The Seventeen Little Bears made a low bow and said,

"In the merry-go-round we'll go,
Laughing gayly, ha, ha, ho, ho!"

They ran out the back door and Bunny and Susan went after them. There
stood a neat little merry-go-round, as fine as you please.

"Where?" and "How?" and "Why?" and "Please tell us about it," said
Bunny and Susan.

The Seventeen Little Bears replied,

"Get inside, and have a ride,
Bunny and Susan, side by side."

They all jumped into the merry-go-round and rode in seats side by
side. Round and round and round they went.

Bunny waved his hat and Susan waved her red sunbonnet! The Seventeen
Little Bears shouted, "Hurrah, hurrah!"

They went faster and faster. Bunny said, "I am afraid the wind will
blow off my fur and whiskers."

Susan said, "The wind will blow off my spectacles."

Faster, faster, faster they went! Would they never stop?

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