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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 35 of 80 (43%)
The Seventeen Little Bears said,

"This is a very funny business,
It gives us all a little dizziness."

Faster, faster, faster they went! It began to rain. First the rain fell
with a few drops, then it came down in sheets. My! how wet they were!

Faster, faster, faster went the merry-go-round.

Suddenly Bushy-Tail ran and jumped right into the merry-go-round and
said, "What will you give me if I stop the merry-go-round?"

Bunny said, "I will give you a warm seat by the fire, sir."

Susan said, "I will give you a basket of cookies."

The Seventeen Little Bears said, "We will give you seventeen pieces of
peppermint candy."

"Help, help, help!" they all cried, "Do stop the merry-go-round!"

Bushy-Tail looked as saucy as you please.

"I can ride faster than this," he said, "I was brought up in a
merry-go-round. I want Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes to come and pay me
a visit."

Bushy-Tail said no more, and Bunny saw there was no use to mince
matters, and the rain was coming down harder and harder.
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